Tailoring Resumes & Cover Letters to Fit the Legal Position
You're ready to begin the job hunt. You know what types of positions and firms you'd like to apply to. Now you...
33 viewsYou're ready to begin the job hunt. You know what types of positions and firms you'd like to apply to. Now you...
33 viewsSummary: Your resume is your opportunity to make a strong first impression, and this article contains the tips...
1226 viewsSummary: This article explains how a paralegal should use references during the job search process, from whom...
473 viewsThe magic of modern technology, combined with some crafty techniques, can enable you to transform your resume...
141 viewsThe first paragraph, generally, should be no more than three to four sentences. State the purpose of your...
297 viewsSending cover letters with the resumes is an irritating duty, but this is necessary task which the employers...
102 viewsThe truly prepared paralegal about to engage in the effective paralegal job search will have the ability to...
296 viewsIf you have potential problems in your background, such as gaps or jobs that you do not wish to draw attention...
50 viewsIn this article we will explore the various parts of a resume: Education, Professional or Work Experience,...
123 viewsCertainly there is room for individual style; distinctive resumes that have a special flare are highly...
39 viewsThe truly prepared paralegal about to engage in the effective paralegal job search will have the ability to...
49 viewsIf you have potential problems in your background, such as gaps or jobs that you do not wish to draw attention...
26 viewsIn this section we will explore the various parts of a resume: Education, Professional or Work Experience,...
12 viewsThe term is borrowed from sales and marketing. If you were marketing a commodity or service, you would...
96 viewsCertainly there is room for individual style; distinctive resumes that have a special flare are highly...
69 viewsOpening a lecture with a question like this has an arresting quality. I waited for a response as classmates...
62 viewsLaser printing is equally acceptable, and if you have access to a computer, you may find this process will...
105 viewsThe above items are the only ones that you are required to provide by law. This information should be included...
1152 viewsA resume is a word portrait, your professional profile, the profile that you want to show a prospective...
129 viewsWhat Is the Purpose of a Resume? --Opening a lecture with a question like this has an arresting quality. I...
677 viewsYoung paralegals in their job search should be very careful in summing up their skills in their resume. Let us...
4505 viewsThe purpose of every resume is to get you to step two the interview. It cannot win you a job, but it must win...
418 viewsPersonal marketing is seventy percent of finding a job. Only thirty percent depends on actual background and...
119 viewsA job resume is a summary of a person's job experiences and factors that relate to his or her job...
51 viewsWhen a potential employer first meets you, chances are he or she is not looking you in the eye. ...
19840 viewsYou have created a cover letter describing a candidate any future employer would covet. You've put the...
2195 viewsIf you are just starting out in the field and have no paralegal experience, an internship may be just what you...
565 viewsIt used to be that writing your resume was pretty routine: use "action" words, white or buff paper, keep it to...
136 viewsFor many contemplating a career in the paralegal field, it is definitely a decision worthy of serious...
199 viewsNow that you've completed your paralegal degree or certificate, finding a job is the next step. What are firms...