Succeeding in a Judicial Clerkship
Summary: The application process can be daunting, but if you take it one step at a time and focus on putting...
26 viewsSummary: The application process can be daunting, but if you take it one step at a time and focus on putting...
26 viewsA paralegal career is all about networking. By nature, paralegals are people-oriented and like to build...
92 viewsWe asked two paralegals in the United States what a paralegal should know before being hired. Both paralegals...
365 viewsBegin to prepare cover letters for mailing on Monday. Plan your week. You have made a direct mail campaign of...
114 viewsThe basic cover letter announcing your availability and your skills and qualifications should be prepared in...
137 viewsSending cover letters with the resumes is an irritating duty, but this is necessary task which the employers...
102 viewsThe final strategy in a job hunt has to do with the quality of your effort. Very little of this comes...
309 viewsThe small and midsize firm does not generally have the fixed corporate policies of large firms. It is here...
89 viewsStrategies that work with sole practitioners are ones that demonstrate an understanding of their particular...
241 viewsTelephoning is art at best and at worst clumsy hindrance. Telephoning can be effective at various times in the...
19 viewsIn the search for a paralegal job responding to a formal advertisement is the most challenging. Because the...
88 viewsPersonal marketing is seventy percent of finding a job. Only thirty percent depends on actual background and...
119 viewsThe principles of negotiating for a new job are a lot different than negotiating for a simple pay raise. Most...
17 viewsThere's the legal assistant who says she succeeded at interviews only after dying her graying hair. There's...