How to Find Law Jobs: Your Go-To Guide for Job Hunting
Embarking on a career in the legal field is akin to navigating a dynamic landscape that constantly responds to...
9 viewsEmbarking on a career in the legal field is akin to navigating a dynamic landscape that constantly responds to...
9 viewsIn the ever-evolving realm of the legal profession, cultivating a robust online presence has transcended the...
44 viewsIn the realm of the legal profession, understanding the nuances of the job market is akin to wielding a...
68 viewsIn recent years, the legal profession has experienced profound changes that have reshaped the way lawyers...
105 viewsThis article guides how to write a successful resume for law firms, explaining why it is essential to focus on...
78 viewsMany legal professionals believe that if they want to find their dream job, using the services of legal...
253 viewsLosing a job is something almost every attorney goes through at least once in their legal career. It can feel...
2449 viewsA law firm job search is a stressful event. Applying with the right resume and cover letter, anxiously waiting...
1544 viewsIf you practice in an area that has slowed dramatically, it is not surprising that you are concerned. Seasoned...
21 viewsLike every other aspect of our economy, the current recession will impact the legal sector. It is not all doom...
960 viewsIf you’re searching legal job boards in earnest to find a new attorney position or looking for a new legal...
720 viewsIt’s easy to see Twitter as merely a source of amusement—especially if your feed is bogged down with...
37 viewsThis article helps individuals stress their background, skills, and interests in their cover letter to present...
3681 viewsIf you have been invited to visit a law firm, corporate law department, or governmental agency, you have...
17 viewsOne of the areas in which the most growth has taken place is corporate legal departments. There are several...
37 viewsOur purpose is to survey generally those considerations which will allow you to take maximum advantage of...
1027 viewsIf you get a rejection letter that says they might be busy in a few months or indicates that at sometime in...
1345 viewsYour resume and cover letter represent you. They convey all that you are as a newcomer to the profession....
61 viewsOne of the areas in which the most growth has taken place is corporate legal departments. There are several...
146 viewsTelephoning is art at best and at worst clumsy hindrance. Telephoning can be effective at various times in the...
19 viewsKeep a record of each resume sent and note the dates of your calls and interviews. Also indicate the results...
5 viewsYou have spent the weeks following your office visit in a state of anxious anticipation. Then, one day the...
357 viewsCongratulations! Finally, an offer that you can seriously consider! Up to this point, you've focused on...
2642 viewsIf you are looking for work in the legal sector, you may have heard of placement but not sure how it works. A...
331 viewsWhat drove you to buy that yummy Starbucks Iced Caramel Macchiato you're drinking right now? I mean, it's only...
7 viewsIt never ceases to amaze me how clueless some people are when it comes to leaving impressions on employers...
12 viewsCasino Royale is my favorite movie of 2007. The new James Bond is smart, fast, strong, ruthless-and a hacker....
97 viewsAll lawyers attempt to master the art of negotiation. Although frequently they use the art to further the...
64 viewsThis week, our recruiters weigh in on the potential benefits and risks of sending thank you cards to firms...
1972 viewsJob advertisements that direct you to a P.O. Box sound fishy? There's a way around applying to the unknown,...